Hans Hochheimer - Our Democracy 2020
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Protect our Constitution Oppose a Constitutional Convention and withdraw Colorado’s application for an Article V Convention to prevent the U.S. Constitution from being opened up to special interests attempting to warp long-held democratic principles.


Protect and Expand Mail Voting Support counting ballots postmarked by or before Election Day, adding pre-paid postage to Colorado ballots, adding more dropboxes and polling centers, and other measures to improve voter participation and access.


Support Multilingual Ballot Access Establish a statewide multilingual ballot hotline, make available minority language sample ballots for certain languages spoken in each county, and make ballots in these languages available to electors who request them.


Create Stronger Campaign Finance Laws While Colorado has some of the strongest campaign finance disclosure laws in the country, more has to be done to standardize this across the various districts in the state and to curb the influence of dark money in our elections.


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Additional Comments

In my opinion we are facing the most important election of our lifetime. I have no doubt that all boils down to the answer of one question: In which country do you want to live, in the land of the free, or in a land where our Creator will be replaced by the government controlling all aspects of our lives.

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Short Answer

The Question:

Candidate Reponse